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Jodi Hardy
Payroll Specialist
Office of Business & Finance
ext 1008
Theresa Nelson
Payroll, Accounts Payable
Office of Business & Finance
ext 1006
Dorette Thornton
District Mental Health Coordinator
Office of Student Services
Taylor White
District ELL Specialist
Office of Curriculum & Instruction
Vanessa Roseboro
Executive Secretary to the Superintendent
Office of the Superintendent of Schools
Ext. 1001
Michelle Andrews
Chief School Financial Officer
Office of Business & Finance
Ext. 1004
Bruce Burks
Maintenance & Grounds Supervisor
Maintenance & Grounds Department
William Graham
Child Nutrition Program Coordinator
Child Nutrition Program
Ext. 1005
Pate Harrison
Director of Student Services & Transportation
Office of Student Services
Ext. 1011
Dr. Stacy Carter
Director of Federal Programs
Office of Federal Programs
Ext. 1015
Dr. Christina Graham
Director of Special Education
Office of Special Education
Ext. 1013
Natasha Foster
Director of Curriculum & Instruction
Office of Curriculum & Instruction
Ext. 1007
Timothy Rumph
Director of Technology